Razakel "Even In Death" CD


Agonized souls shriek from inside The Curse Box. The Godless, abandoned wails herald Her imminent return. The reimergence of The Serpentine Queen. The Reversed Madonna of Santa Muerte: Razakel! On 12/25/2020 the sepulcher opens, and at its yawning mouth you will find The Grand High Witch Bitch herself offering a brand new collection of songs forged amidst the bittersweet smell of wilted mourning flowers and decaying bones. Her full length album, "Even in Death" is the final violent act in The Shrunken Head Strangulation of 2020, a closing achievement that is the musical equivalent to a serial killer completing their morbid masterwork. With her 14th studio release, this is Razakel on fire, taking the sound that made her a fixture in the wicked underground and sharpening it to a lethal edge. Pre-order now and perhaps you will be spared once her demons are finally unleashed...but it's not fucking likely!

Track List:

1. Intro (by Razakel) (Produced by Ritual of Ether)
2. Curse Box (Unbless You) (Produced by Zurm Beats & Ritualof Ether)
3. Don't Pray 4 Me (Produced by Godsynth)
4. Had Enough (Produced by BVNE)
5. Lay In A Grave With Me (Produced by Ritual of Ether)
6. Captive Heart (Produced by JHN HNRY)
7. Professional Widow (Produced by JHN HNRY)
8. Macauly Culkin feat. The Slice Girls (Produced by Le Chum)
9. Gh0sted (Produced by Ritual of Ether)
10. Grand High Wxtch Bxtch (Produced by JHN HNRY)
11. Happy Death Day (Produced by Russel Rott)
12. Outro (by Ryan Almighty) (Produced by Ritual of Ether)

Recorded at RazLand
Mixed & Mastered by ZKAudio & Ritual of Ether
Artwork by Trev Revolution
Additonal artwork by Razakel

*Due to COVID Media Mail orders MAY be late, digital copies will be sent in advance, make sure to include your email address!*